Editorial Services


Query Letter Edit

Comments, suggested edits, and other suggestions in margin notes (via Track Changes) with ½ hour follow-up consultation to discuss.


10-Page Manuscript Assessment

General feedback about big-picture elements of the first 10-pages of your work-in-progress. What’s working? What needs attention? You will receive a 1-page assessment which may include some margin notes in the manuscript, if applicable. Follow up call for Q&A and to discuss my recommendations for next steps.


Full Manuscript Assessment

General feedback about big-picture elements of your full work-in-progress. What’s working? What needs attention? I’ll look at character, plot, pacing, structure, dialogue (including language and voice), marketability, and recommendations for next steps. You will receive a single spaced, 3 to 5-page editorial assessment of your full novel. Follow up call for Q&A and to discuss my recommendations for next steps.


Full Manuscript Developmental Edit

An in-depth review of your full work in progress. I’ll give you focused notes on things like character, plot, pacing, structure, dialogue (including language and voice), theme, world building, marketability, and my recommendations for what’s next. Where a Manuscript Assessment details what’s working or not working, a Developmental Edit goes a step further to guide you in how to address what needs work. You will receive a single-spaced, 5 to 8-page editorial letter about your full novel.



Have general questions about writing or publishing? Need help talking through something challenging in your work-in-progress? Just want to brainstorm? Let’s talk! Coaching is done by phone or Zoom and is billed at my hourly rate.

To book services or for more information email lindaepsteineditorial@gmail.com